Good afternoon, RES Families

Our students were introduced to our revamped “Feathers” PBIS (Positive Behaviour Intervention & Supports) initiative this week. We have had posters and decorations donning our halls, gathering buzz and buy-in from our Eagles, K through 5.  PBIS is a behavior management system adopted by many schools, and the premise is simple – teach expected behaviors and focus on the good behaviors that you see. Such initiatives are a common approach to behaviour management in the Anglophone East School District.

PBIS have incredible benefits, including but not limited to:

•            Builds social skills

•            Reduces office discipline referrals

•            Increases instructional time

•            Improves social and emotional development

•            Improves school safety

•            Increases student engagement

•            Improves academic performance

•            Increases family involvement

•            Improves faculty retention

•            Improves classroom management

•            Improves school culture

Please check out the link provided to learn more about how RES Staff are catching our students at their best!

PBIS Feather Initiative (

When a child is nominated (by any Staff) for their good deeds:

  1. A notification will be sent home (via email). We ask that you celebrate and “pump-up” your child(ren) when they are recognized for their good behaviour. Reinforcing the good behaviours at home is a critical component of the PBIS arrangement at RES.
  2. Nominated students will also receive a colour coded feather pertaining to one of the three Student Pledges their positive behaviours exemplified.
    1. Hands are for Helping.
    2. Sharing is Caring.
    3. Doing the Right Thing.
  3. They will have their name displayed on their pods “Eagles’ Nest.”
  4. They will be eligible for a photo-op with none other than Eddie the Eagle at the end of each month.

Keep an eye out for more good news & feathers coming home soon! Go Eagles, Go!



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